Ohlone College Scott Fisher Salary

Scott Fisher is an employee of Ohlone College, but at the time of publication in February 2025, their exact salary is not specified. It does provide an indication of faculty and staff compensation at Ohlone College.
Overview of Ohlone College
Located in Fremont, California, Ohlone College is a public two-year school that offers associate degrees and certificates. The college provides quality education while serving a diverse student body committed to community involvement.
Faculty Salaries, Ohlone College.
Ohlone College faculty salary is dependent on rank, experience, and discipline. The average faculty salary is $111,028 based on the 2022-2023 academic year data. It represents a decline of 2.31% over the last year. citeturn0search0
The following table breaks out average salaries by academic rank:
Academic Rank | Average Salary | Percentage Change from Previous Year |
Instructor | $111,028 | -2.31% |
It should be noted that at Ohlone College, there are no faculty designations for Professor, Associate Professor, or Assistant Professor; all are referred to under the designator of Instructor.
Gender-Specific Salary Discrepancies
Gender differences in salaries: An analysis Male faculty members earn an average of $115,041; female faculty members earn $102,867. That’s about 11.83% higher than their female colleagues.
Ohlone College Staff Salary Table
In addition to instructional faculty, Ohlone College employs a variety of non-instructional staff. These roles earn an average of $105,486, for a 3.63% increase year-over-year.
The following table lists average salaries for some of the non-instructional titles:
Position | Average Salary |
Management | $183,477 |
Computer, Engineering, and Science | $110,699 |
Business and Financial Operations | $85,559 |
Comparison with Similar Institutions
Ohlone College offers competitive faculty salaries compared to other two-year colleges within California. The average faculty salary at Ohlone is above the average for the nation at $56,744 for comparable institutions. Ohlone is above the state average: The average faculty salary for two-year colleges in California is $77,659.
Ohlone College Salaries in Pleasanton, CA222 salaries
Although no specific data on Scott Fisher is available, records from 2021 at Ohlone College show some of the highest-paid positions:
Name | Position | Total Pay |
Eric Bishop | Superintendent/President | $377,681.34 |
Shairon A. Zingsheim | Vice President, HR and Training (CHRO) | $261,407.22 |
Christopher dela Rosa | Vice-President, Administrative and IT Services | $248,817.00 |
Anthony DiSalvo | Vice President/Academic Affairs | $235,482.43 |
Michael J. Bowman | Executive Dean, Research & Planning | $197,205.00 |
Specific salary data for Scott Fisher at Ohlone College are not publicly available, but this summary of faculty and staff compensation provides insight into how Scott Fisher gets paid in this institution. Salaries at Ohlone College are competitive, especially against national and state averages at similar institutions. That said, the reported gender-specific compensation differences present opportunities for review and improvement of compensation practices.